Our Name

nous (/nü/; Philosophy, Ancient Greek, French):

  1. In philosophy, the mind both rational and emotional used in feeling, the heart, soul; necessary to understanding what is true. Comparable to the modern concept of intuition. Related to buddhi in yogic philosophy.
  2. French word meaning “we” or “us”.

flow (/flō/; Yoga; Psychology):

  1. Movement characterized with a steady and continuous motion; in yoga, focus on connection between breath, movement and the mind; also, movement following breath.
  2. In psychology, a mental state characterized by concentration, focus and enjoyment of a given task.

The name nousflow translates to exploring and connecting with our innate, intuitive wisdom through joyful movement. We do this to critically reflect and explore all of who we are and to develop a greater awareness of our true self.

nousflow was an idea born from a passion for positive psychology, philosophy, movement and yoga, and the belief that through lighthearted, playful and curious inquiry and greater awareness and knowing, we can live more authentic, healthy and fulfilling lives.

Here at nousflow, we look at the body as something more than just the physical. In the tradition of yoga, it’s understood that our body is made up of three bodies: the physical body, the subtle body and the casual body. These bodies are composed of five distinct but connected sheaths or veils known as koshas. Through both guided and intuitive embodied movements (flow), we can explore all of of who we are — including our physical body, breath, mental/emotional body, intuitive wisdom, and inner bliss — to fully emerge as our true self.

Our approach is based on the concept that as humans, we move every aspect of our body to express our wants, needs, emotions, thoughts, and ideas to those around us. Ultimately, how we move — and how much we move — determines how well and meaningfully we engage with our world.