Family Counselling

Every family experiences challenging times. At nousflow we recognize that sometimes families need support to move through difficulties that arise, such as marital breakdown or divorce, an illness or death in the family, financial challenges, parenting or ineffective communication. Other times, your family might need support when one member is experiencing social, emotional or physical difficulties.

Involving all members of the family and bringing together their full power and support can empower and strengthen your family’s ability to resolve troubling issues in a mutually respectful and cooperative manner. More than couples counselling, family therapy will incorporate all members of the family unit. nousflow can provide guidance and support to you and each family member in developing the skills necessary for a healthy, happy and cooperative family life based upon love and mutual respect.

“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” – Michael J. Fox


60-minute session (counselling only): $200

90-minute session (50-min. counselling; 40-min. yoga): $275

60-minute session (yoga only): $150